Thursday 30 October 2014

Manly ish films

Hello Dolly fans 

James and I have been watching more manly films this week, Prisoners is one we watched last week, it is gritty and a tough subject matter as the children get abducted , Hugh Jackman plays the father of one of the girls and Jake Gynahall plays the cop, it was quite violent but very well directed, with twists and turns, it kept us all guessing.

Last night we watched The Lone Ranger, I love Johnny Depp, and it was good to see doing something else beside being a pirate! James said that this film was criticised but I enjoyed it, there is thrills and spills  and action and a tiny big of romance, and a strange Indian with a dead bird on his head and Helena Botham Carter plays a hooker, what's not to love! 

I have a week off on holiday from the restaurant, so I have also watched Two Weeks Notice( love Sandra Bullock more than Julia Roberts) and Erin Brockovick ( Jules) and the matrix Trilogy for a change, 

Mmm The Matrix , well the first one was wicked, the 2nd one was still good, not sure on the 3rd one, it's good they were all directed by the same people, so they did flow, but they could have just made 2, just my opinion of course! 

Not sure what to watch next, might be some slushy stuff or maybe Dracula, as that is ACTUALLY my favourite film of all time, more on that next week...


Saturday 25 October 2014

Chick flick week

Good morning Dolly fans

This week, I have been making James watch chick flicks , starting with Stepmom, ( another Julia film) and Music and Lyrics , and Three to tango , these are all quite romantic and sweet in their own way, his first blog is coming up as we watched Prisoners with our mates last week, and he loved it so guest post over the next few days! 

Another semi classic- ie from a few years ago is Maid in Manhattan, James is not keen but I like Jennifer Lopez, she is a dancer and actress and singer but she likes to make films her own, plus she is really beautiful !!! 

Another different choice this week was Secretary, we are massive James Spader  fans, and we watch the Blacklist but as you will find out , we also love Marvel so when the trailer for The Avengers, Age of Ultron came out, it's all about James Spader, so I watched  the Secetary , umm an eye opener , just love Jimmy Spader!!!!! Super cool!!!! 

Anyway watch out for James's guest blog soon 

Dolly xx

Saturday 18 October 2014

Love of Cake

Hello Dolly Fans

Off topic of films this week, but I have to tell you of my love of cake and scones in particular, I have a lovely job at the 100% gluten free restaurant in Leeds , and the owner makes the best cakes, today was Carrot cake and Victoria Sponge, they are EPIC! And the portions are massive, plus she make my favourite Double Chocolate Scones, wow! 

If you are in Leeds, why not pop and see us, I'm the brunette, normally wearing a crazy necklace and earrings and Dolly mixtures or licorice allsorts bracelets , of course 

Just next to the town hall


Dolly xx

Thursday 9 October 2014

Julia Roberts appreciation

Morning Dolly fans, just on my way to work but though lt as I have watched a few Julia Roberts films lately, I would a special on her, I looooovvvvve Jules, she is so attractive and when she cries on screen, her forehead has this Furrow on it, she is just brilliant !! I have watched Steel MAgnolias and My Best friend's wedding over the last few weeks , one if my all time favs is Pretty Woman , and one that is overlooked is Mona Lisa Smile, you should check that out , it has Marcia Gay Harden in as well and Dominic West! Plus Julia Stiles, Kirsten Durst, and Maggie Gynnhall too!! Any just a quick Julia love Post, more next week 


Dolly and James 

Friday 3 October 2014

More modern Times

Morning Dolly fans, cloud Atlas was EPIC , so many characters through 6 different stories from 1860's to Future and different accents and dialogue, whoa! Tom hanks and Halle Berry , wow, the cast is brilliant too, with Hugo Weaving and Ben Wishaw , Jim Broadbent , I wished I have seen it at the cinema , ok I'm gushing! Also this week, we have been trying to think of another adventure day, it is light night in Leeds tonight, and I'm working :( so James may have to go on his own! We are thinking of changing the blog to be more about food as we do like eating out , the latest place we have been is Arts Cafe on call Lane, last Saturday, it was a lovely meal with candles and wine, and Steak , we will definetely go again. Films this week, this may surprise people but I have nEVER seen St Elmo's Fire, but we watched it last night, I loved it, especially Andrew McCarthy, he is one of my favourite actors( Christian Slater is one of the others) they try to play the bad boy or preppy lad but are sweet at heart, watch Untamed Heart, you will cry buckets! 


Dolly and James xx