Tuesday 24 February 2015

Half Term Treats

As some of my readers know I am a brownie leader and this week, we took the girls to the media museum in Bradford, to watch Shaun the Sheep film, now I wasn't sure i would like a kids film about a sheep that sort of grunts and a farmer that doesn't speak, but it was really  good and the staff were on hand with stop motion animation workshops and clay making and storyboards to show how the film is made and the characters, it was a brilliant day for us leaders too!!! This week has been all about kids and films choices, so I re-watched Ponahontas and Aladdin, and then more me films, last night I rewatched Mystic Pizza -1988 i love early Julia Roberts, I think she is my favourite actress. 

Not sure what to watch the rest of the week , and then next week its My birthday !!!

I know its a short post this week dolly fans 



Friday 13 February 2015

Musicals Week

Hello Dolly fans, this week I have been watching some of my musical selection of DVD's! Let's start with mamma Mia, I love this film, yes even the part when pierce Bronson sings!! It's so cheerful and happy film and has such a great cast, even James enjoys it! I have also got a soft spot for Chicago and I have featured it previously but Burlesque is a film that I could watch every couple of month , with that is Rock of Ages, Tom Cruise is a special person and I LOVE Julianne Hough!!! Also we have watched Jersey boys which is a film about music and a band and not technically a musical, however it is brilliant , Chicago is really good with the jazz hands and Richard Gere! So I think this next week I may watch Richard Gere films and maybe some Julia Roberts so Pretty Woman, Runaway Bride, Officer and a gentleman and some other ones, if you have any suggestions, just drop me a mail or a message on the blog 


Dolly xx