Monday 22 July 2013

Holiday Monday!!

Hello Dolly fans

Almost time for my stall at Handpicked Hall in the grand Arcade 

It's on Saturday and Sunday this week and we at Dolly HQ are super excited 

If you would like 10% off please quote to me or Jim #dollyhandpicked and we will give you a discount at the weekend 

Anyway I have been brushing up on my 80's films again this week and have watched Sixteen Candles and Maanequin

 Here is a clip of my favourite bit where they are dancing around the store at night time -love Kim Cattrall and Andrew McCarthy , -Andrew is in a few of the movies I own , .... Drool!! 

I have watched a couple of more modern films this week, youth in revolt ( Michael Cera ) and perks of being a wallflower ( Emma watson ) love them both for different reasons 

Any way make sure you come down to Handpicked Hall this week to see me - code is # DollyHandpicked 


Saturday 6 July 2013

Sunny Saturday

VMorning Dolly Fans, big news in Dolly HQ, I have collaborated with a children's entertainer and will be making badges for him and sweetie bracelets for goodie bags, it's in the pipeline but very exciting, 

I have a good weekend planned ( although I am still in bed at the moment ) 

It is the last day of trading and Au Revoir for BirdsYard, going to see the girls and Jonny later and maybe do some shopping , also going to Pop Boutique and get coffee from Mrs Atha's, in fact I go and see all my friends whom have shops in town , Bo Carter, and Mad Elizabeth ..... 

Then tonight we are going to El Bareto for dinner with Grandma and then tomorrow there is a vintage fair in Horsforth, so all good , I have been making loads of new sweeties and beaded jewellery for my 1st stall at Handpicked Hall on 27/28 July , well excited , HPH is in the grand arcade leeds City Centre 

